Investors, customers and other stakeholders expect companies to transparently report on their social and environmental impact, as well as their goals for the future. The benefits of meeting those expectations are twofold: credible reporting will build trust and position your company as responsible and sustainable, and the reporting process itself will positively influence your business practices and ESG performance.

Even so, the sustainable reporting landscape is highly complex. There are numerous different international standards and frameworks, ranking schemes, disclosure systems and reporting principles. It’s important to select the most suitable formats and adapt your reporting processes accordingly.

How we can support you

Sustainability reporting

Sustainability reporting is used to measure, understand and communicate your economic, environmental, social and governance performance. Aligning it strategically with your core business and management processes can raise awareness and help shift your business towards more sustainable practices. We’ll help you compile a report in accordance with the standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) or the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), or ensure it complies with the requirements of the Communication on Progress outlined by the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC).

Integrated reporting

Integrated reporting goes beyond traditional corporate disclosures. It enables you to monitor the full range of factors affecting your company’s tangible, intangible, financial and non-financial resources. The reports provide a solid foundation for communicating your value creation processes, and promote integrated management across your organization. We’ll help you work out what to include and how to leverage the reporting process to support your internal change initiatives.

ESG ratings

Alongside financial factors, investors and analysts are increasingly focusing on companies’ environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance. They access this information by consulting ESG ratings. We can determine which ratings are most applicable to your company and help you submit the necessary information to the agencies. We’ll also perform a gap analysis and work with you to boost data quality, and develop governance policies and monitoring systems to improve your scores.


The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) is an EU directive that mandates companies to report extensively on their sustainability performances and risks, with reports to be prepared according to the European Standards for Sustainability Reporting (ESRS). Approximately 49,000 companies in the EU, including all publicly listed companies as well as large non-listed companies, are affected, and they must disclose the impact of their business activities on the environment and society, as well as explain how sustainability issues affect their financial performance. The CSRD is being phased in, starting with large publicly listed companies in 2024, and requires companies to comprehensively prepare and adjust their reporting processes to meet the demanding and detailed requirements of the ESRS.

CDP reporting

CDP (formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project) oversees a global environmental disclosure system. Companies can use it to measure and manage the risks and opportunities they face in relation to climate change, water security and deforestation. Disclosing your results will earn you a CDP score—and a good score will allow you to credibly demonstrate your efforts to save resources and protect the climate. We are highly experienced in preparing CDP submissions. We’ll swiftly calculate your emissions, water usage and other impacts and prepare a convincing report.

TCFD-based reporting

The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) provides a structure and impetus for companies to disclose climate-related financial information. TCFD-based reporting has several benefits: financial markets and investors are better informed, and you are better equipped to evaluate and mitigate the risks facing your company and your business partners. We’ll analyze your climate-related data and produce a compelling report about your company’s approach to climate risk management—particularly as it relates to financial risks.

PRB reporting

The Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB) are an initiative that supports banks in aligning their business strategies and practices with sustainability and social responsibility. Adopted by over 300 banks worldwide, the six guidelines focus on strategic alignment, positive and negative impacts, customer relationships, stakeholder collaboration, governance and transparency. We help you to identify the areas of the PRB that are relevant to your bank, support you in adapting your business processes and assist you with transparent reporting on your progress and goals.

PRI reporting

The Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) incentivize financial service providers to incorporate environmental, social and governance factors into their investment practices. These six principles are supported by the United Nations (UN) and provide valuable insights into current best practices in responsible investment. We can determine which parts of the PRI reporting framework are relevant for your business and help you align your investment processes with the PRI requirements.

GRI Trainings

We are a GRI-certified training partner in Switzerland.

If you are interested in participating in a training, please see here for more information and registration.

Get in touch. We can help you develop the right approach.

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