The legislator demands more transparency!
Under the current Code of Obligations, around 250 large companies will have to report separately on non-financial matters for the first time for the 2023 financial year. Are you prepared?
Whether you have already submitted a sustainability report or have reported on ESG in some other way, or are completely new to these topics: The two experts Dr. Daniel Bühr from LALIVE and our Managing Partner Dr. Bernd Kasemir clarify which companies are in focus and how you can meet the new requirements in an efficient and legally compliant way. Practical tips and sound recommendations await you in the reporting webinar.
“To my knowledge, Switzerland is the only country in the world that directly links criminal consequences with non-financial reporting.”
Dr. Daniel Lucien Bühr, Partner LALIVE
“Almost every company that has to report on climate next year is already making preparations for TCFD, so that it becomes less risky and clearer next year.”
Dr. Bernd Kasemir, Managing Partner Sustainserv
Here you can find the presentation as PDF and below the recording of the Reporting Webinar (only in German):