Regulators all around the world (particularly the EU) require more non-financial disclosure. Large index investors do ask for non-financial data and information. And the public at large continues to call on businesses for more transparency. How can business make sure not to be trapped in compliance-oriented reactive box ticking exercises which only add to the cost of doing business?

You have the opportunity to learn from leading practices how sustainability or ESG aspects are connected to business strategy, how they are included in the reporting and how they inform better business decisions. Addressing material non-financial aspects at the strategic level allows businesses to have a holistic view on long term value drivers both from a risk and opportunity perspective, overcome internal silos and biases and deliver outperformance.
Key-note speakers are:
Dr. Stephan Lienin is a Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Sustainserv, a Zurich and Boston based management consultancy founded in 2001. Sustainserv helps companies drive long-term value creation by connecting robust strategies and integrated management processes, rigorous performance metrics and effective communication to internal and external stakeholders.
Urs Baumann is Head Sustainability & Innovation and Head Development at Swiss Prime Site, the largest listed real estate company in Switzerland. The investment focus is on investments in prime quality properties and project and site developments in Switzerland.
Dr. Jihane Ball is Dow’s Director of Global Product Safety and Compliance, with oversight for Dow’s global product stewardship program and product regulatory services in Europe, the Middle East, Africa and India. In this role, she also leads and enables the advancement of Dow’s 2025 Sustainability Goals. Previously, Jihane served in several roles in toxicology, product safety and compliance in upstream, market-facing and consumer businesses and in Dow’s U.S. Government Affairs and Public Policy group.
16:00 Door opening and registration
16:30 Welcome & Introduction
Welcome by Thomas Scheiwiller, Chairman of the Advisory Board, Center for Corporate Reporting (CCR) and Introdution of all participants
16:45 Driving impact through integrated strategies and communication
presented by Stephan Lienin, Sustainserv
17:05 The role of non-financials to shape business
presented by Urs Baumann, Swiss Prime Site
17:25 Valuing Nature in Business Decisions
presented by Jihane Ball, Dow
17:45 Q&A discussion
moderated by Thomas Schweiwiller
18:00 Apéro riche and Networking