Zurich – In the recently released Swiss Annual Report Rating 2018, our client Clariant received two impressive recognitions for their Integrated Report 2017: the Overall Winner for best annual report by a company listed in the Swiss Performance Index (SPI) and the number one report in the Value Reporting category.

Featuring the title “All in One,” Clariant’s Integrated Report 2017 incorporated both financial and non-financial aspects of its business into a compelling discussion of value creation. This comprehensive approach was highlighted in the laudatory awards speech given by Roman Schneider from the University of Zurich:
“By reorganizing reporting, Clariant shows courage for innovation. The company is taking on a pioneering role in Integrated Reporting in Switzerland and is setting a new benchmark in value reporting and design. Clariant’s integrated report is groundbreaking and forward-looking.”
A key element of the Integrated Report 2017 is the focus on topics that are material for Clariant and its stakeholders. These topics were identified during a comprehensive materiality assessment conducted in 2017. As a result, the report provides an in-depth view on Clariant’s long-term and holistic approach to value creation. In addition, with the business model continually at the core of the discussion, the report emphasizes how Clariant draws upon a multitude of resources to create added value for customers, employees, shareholders, and the environment. By providing insights into how the company’s business model connects tangible and intangible factors, Clariant is able to transparently communicate its holistic approach to sustainable value creation to investors and shareholders.
We have supported Clariant on its Integrated Reporting journey since 2016 by providing guidance on the application of the <IR> framework to Clariant’s specific context, developing an innovative reporting concept, identifying relevant performance indicators beyond classic financial reporting, establishing a robust data and information collection process, and offering extensive writing and editing services.