öbu Practical Seminar: “Current Trends in Sustainability Reporting: Added Value for Companies?”
The seminar hosted by öbu on the topic of sustainability reporting, in collaboration with Sustainserv and BSD Consulting, addresses current issues in the field with practical examples and demonstrates possible problem-solving approaches.
Sustainability reporting is in a state of flux. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development are in effect since the beginning of 2016: what do the 17 Sustainable Development Goals mean for companies in terms of reporting? How does the CSR-directive passed by the EU, which makes sustainability reporting mandatory in many countries, affect Swiss companies? How should the topic of “integrated reporting” be classified in this context? How can the new standards by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) help establish effective reporting?
The öbu seminar provides an overview of the challenges and solutions currently on the market in collaboration with the two consultancies. Our Managing Partner Stephan Lienin reports about recent experiences of applying the new GRI standards. Our client Swiss Life, who has comprehensively implemented the GRI guidelines, will contribute their practical experience.
For more information and registration, click here.