The Countdown is running!
More and more companies, whether large corporations or SMEs, face the difficult task of identifying and addressing risks related to child labor and conflict minerals in their supply chains. Undetected risks not only carry significant legal consequences, but also damage the company’s image. Are you prepared?
In the due diligence webinar with attorney Dr. Martin Eckert from MME and sustainability expert Dr. Bernd Kasemir from Sustainserv, you will learn what legal requirements you will face and receive tips on how to pragmatically implement the required due diligence processes and create the necessary documentation.
“I really recommend you to document this thoroughly. Because, as said, the sword of Damocles of criminal law is lurking somewhere behind.”
Dr. Martin Eckert, Legal Partner MME
“For many it’s surprising: The USA is ‘enhanced’ here. According to this risk index, you would need to scrutinize American suppliers more closely.”
Dr. Bernd Kasemir, Managing Partner Sustainserv
Here you can find the presentation as PDF and below the recording of the due diligence webinar (only in German):